Final Process 1. Apply cold cream to the face, except forehead where appliance will be. 2. Latex Cut 1 . Draw outline of cut onto paper the size of your forehead. The gash should not be huge. 2. Slide drawing into plastic sheet protector. 3. Apply liquid latex with a sponge to the perimeter of the cut onto the plastic. 4. Unravel a cotton ball and split it into 2 long sheets of cotton. 5. Adhere the cotton to the latex following the shape of the cut you created. 6. Apply a generous amount of latex to the cotton to cover it completely. Reshape with q-tips while still wet to achieve desired shape. 7. Let dry about 20 minutes, or when completely dry. 8. Apply second layer of latex to the dry layer. 9. Let dry for 20 minutes, or when completely dry. 10. When dry, use sponge to apply foundation evenly over the wound. 11. ...