Process Outline
Final Process
1. Apply cold cream to the face, except forehead where appliance will be.
2. Latex Cut
1. Draw outline of cut onto paper the size of your forehead. The gash should not be huge.
2. Slide drawing into plastic sheet protector.
3. Apply liquid latex with a sponge to the perimeter of the cut onto the plastic.
4. Unravel a cotton ball and split it into 2 long sheets of cotton.
5. Adhere the cotton to the latex following the shape of the cut you created.
6. Apply a generous amount of latex to the cotton to cover it completely. Reshape with
q-tips while still wet to achieve desired shape.
7. Let dry about 20 minutes, or when completely dry.
8. Apply second layer of latex to the dry layer.
9. Let dry for 20 minutes, or when completely dry.
10. When dry, use sponge to apply foundation evenly over the wound.
11. Outline the inside of the cut with the dark red from bruise wheel. Feather some of
the color out onto the rest of the wound.
12. Blend out with darker foundation shade to get desired bruised look.
13. Use stippling sponge to add the bright red on the wound.
14. Set with powder.
15. To remove, use a q-tip and powder to dust the underneath little by little.
3. Apply spirit gum to the backside of the appliance and wait until it is tacky.
4. Apply wound to forehead and hold for 30 seconds.
5. Color inside of wound with dark red from bruise wheel.
6. Add fake blood to inside of wound.
7. Basic Corrective
1. Apply green to red spots on face. Use q-tip.
2. Apply yellow to dark spots on face. Use q-tip.
3. Blend out. Use sponge.
4. Using sponge, add foundation, then pat it on the lid to get even coverage.
5. Apply foundation using patting motions.
8. Transformative Contour
1. Apply contour shade in triangles above the cheekbones in an upward direction to create illusion of plastic surgery. Use brush.
2. Apply contour to bridge of nose to make appear smaller.
3. Apply contour to jawline to make it appear smaller.
4. Apply contour in creviced of cheeks to appear older.
5. Apply contour to create crows feet around the eyes to appear older.
6. Add highlight shade above all of the contoured areas. Use new brush.
7. Blend out, but not too much. This is a harsh and heavy look. Use sponge.
8. Set everything with powder using the puff.
. Over line lips with lip pencil. These should be cartoon like.
9. Apply red lipstick to lips and up to the new lines of the lips.
10. Fill in eyebrows with eyebrow pencil.
11. Apply purple eyeshadow to the lid. Use brush. The brighter the better.
12. Blend pink shadow into the crease at an angle. use brush.
13. Apply false lashes as an upward angle. This will help with the plastic illusion.
14. Using an eyeliner, draw three arrows on the forehead pointing up.
15. Removal
1. Dip q-tip into spirit gum remover.
2. Start with an edge and gently rub underneath until it comes up.
3. Use plenty of remover and go slow until appliance is removed.
4. Peel off lashes
4. For the rest of the face, apply a large amount of cold cream and rub in circular
motions over makeup.
5. Wipe off cold cream and makeup with a baby wipe.
6. Moisturize.
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